Uploading Question Files

ExperQuiz allows you to create questions within an office document, and upload them.

This may allow greater productivity, since you are editing many questions at once, with efficient tools, allowing cut-and-paste, and immediate text formatting.

Once you have edited a batch of questions in your document, you may use this page to upload it. Questions will be read from the document and inserted into the given base.

If there is any issue in the file, it will be notified to you precisely, so you can correct your document.

The document format for questions

We use files of the DOCX format. These files can be created and edited using LibreOffice suite, Google Docs, or Microsoft Office.

Within the document, there are a number of guidelines which you must follow so your questions will be correctly understood.

The best way to proceed is to download the sample file, using the link below, then open the file on your favorite word processor.

The file contains both written explanations and guidelines, and is also a sample file with 8 sample questions.

Existing files and portability

If you have existing files in another format than ExperQuiz one, contact us with the contact link of the home page.

We have many transfer tools that can make the portability easier.

Question generation feature

This feature allows you to create a set of questions from a prompt using ChatGPT. The quantity and type of questions generated may vary over time, as ExperQuiz develops this feature.

Formulate a prompt:

The statement defines a theme on which ChatGPT will create its questions. For example, to get questions about Antarctica, you can simply provide the statement “Antarctica”. Note that phrasing such as “The subject will be Antarctica” will not add anything to the generation, and may even diminish its quality. Once the statement is entered, simply press the “Generate” button and wait for the questions to appear.

There may be periods of overload on the ChatGPT service that may lead to significant delays or even generation failures.

From this prompt, ChatGPT will generate questions about, for example, Antarctic expeditions, the Antarctic treaty, the temperature on the continent, wildlife, etc.

These questions can be added to your base in a draft or active status, or can be deleted.

Human validation on generated questions:

The questions generated will be the result of ChatGPT; ExperQuiz is not responsible for the quality of these questions. Verifying that the questions and answers are relevant and correct before including them in your questionnaires is therefore mandatory.

Generated questions will remain editable once added to your base as questions, to correct any imperfections.

ChatGPT’s generations are likely to be less relevant on subjects whose data have not been part of its training data, e.g.:

  • Recent news, as the training data have stopped in time
  • Or data that are not accessible to the general public

Refine questions generation:

Whether for the reasons discussed above, or simply to get questions closer to your needs, the solution lies in the statement. You need to provide a more precise prompt to improve the generation. To continue with the “Antarctica” prompt example, if you actually wanted questions focused on Antarctic flora, you could re-specify the prompt as “Antarctic flora”.

ChatGPT receives only the statement needed for generation: no data about you or your company is used by ChatGPT. Previous statements are not used by ChatGPT either, meaning that each statement must be sufficient in itself to generate the questions you need.

Base Overview

Many actions are proposed when a base is selected.

  • See the overview page for the base
  • View the list of questionnaires relative to the base
  • View all questions of the base with statistics about their usage.
  • View all evaluations based on the questionnaires
  • View all trainings built for this base
  • Make the import questions files to

Enterprise settings

This page presents specific information about the enterprise.

  • the identity of the enterprise
  • how many users are active, created or invited
  • questions bases
  • users groups

You can modify the settings of the enterprise by clicking on the EDIT ENTERPRISE button.

Player settings

By clicking on the PLAYER SETTINGS button, you can define the settings of the player used for the tests defined by your enterprise.

Custom messages

By clicking on the CUSTOM MESSAGES button, you can specify messages to display during a test:

  • A short message displayed in the left column of the player, under the base name
  • Messages displayed after the user has answered in case of success, mistake or timeout


Modules allow you to build online e-learning courses, which your users will follow autonomously.

A module is made up of a list of steps, to be followed in sequence.

A step can be either a questionnaire or a media, coming from any of your bases.

A questionnaire may be used in different ways :

  • in training mode : in this case there is no obligation to succeed in order to get to the next step
  • in evaluation or certification mode : in this case a success rate is defined, which must be achieved in order to proceed to the next step.

You may use any of the media that you have created or uploaded. You may view and manage your media using the ALL MEDIA menu. Media may be of any kind : image, audio, video, pdf, factsheet, office documents.

In order to build an e-learning module :

  • Click the NEW MODULE button and fill up the form to describe your module.
  • Go to the Elements tab, and select the elements (questionnaires and medias) that you will be using in your module, and arrange them in the appropriate order.
  • Go to the Overview tab, then click on the Steps tab.
  • Define the settings for each one of your steps: title, introduction message, questionnaire usage and success rate if needed.
  • Your module is ready to go.

You may invite users to follow the module, by clicking on the invitations tab.The users tab lists all users attending (or having attended) the module, together with their progress and results.

The Visibility tab allows you to make your module freely available to all your users or to some groups of users.

If all module elements belong to the same base, it is possible to declare the module as ‘single-base’. Once the module has been declared ‘single-base’, it will not be possible to add elements from other bases to it. By default, the modules are ‘multibase’.

A user who has special permissions specific to the management of modules can use a single-base module if the base is in his scope or if the option ‘Scope includes all enterprise topics’ has been checked.

A user who has special permissions specific to the management of modules can use a multibase module if the option ‘Scope includes all enterprise topics’ has been checked or if the module is declared ‘public’, that means accessible by all special users regardless of their scope on topics.


ExperQuiz helps you set up and schedule your trainings.

Add the course materials and questionnaires that will be used.

Invite participant who will have access to materials and tests in their personal workspace when the trainer makes them available, or in the course of the training.

You may create un new training by clicking on the NEW TRAINING button and specify :

  • Trainer panel and tools
  • Duration, date, location
  • Attached documents and tests, free to play, or on invitation
  • Management of participants (invitations, presence)
  • Management of the agenda and the training process
  • Results immediately available, with multi-axis analysis

The trainer cannot invite new participants or add new questionnaires,but he can add new documents.

Jobs repository

For each job, one can define the set of skills blocks that an employee must possess in order to adequately perform the job.

Each job is linked to a family of jobs.

Thus, an employee may compare the set of skills he or she possesses to the jobs repository, in order to see if he has validated the required skills that would allow him to target another job, or identify the skills he would have to acquire, and eventually request an appropriate training.

Qualifications repository

A qualification is obtained by validating a set of skills blocks.

A qualification can relate to a PQC (Professional Qualifications Certificate) in the context of professional branches.

A qualification is linked to a family, defined by a code and name.

The qualification is itself referenced by its name and code, it is described by a set of skills blocks that are required to validate it.

A user can ask for a training that will help him/her validate the qualification.

Skills repository

A skills repository is described as a hierarchy made up of skills blocks, comprising skills, which are in turn made up of capacities. A capacity is an elementary knowledge, be it soft or hard.

Creating the repository

You may create your repository either by importing a file (see the sample file in the Import tab) or through the web interface.

The + button on each skills block row is used to create a new skill within the block.

The + button on each skill row is used to create a new capacity within the skill.

You will need to enter the validation threshold and the weight factor for the capacity within the skill. If the capacities of a skill are validated, then the skill itself is validated, and it will in turn trigger an update for the skills block.

Validation of a capacity

Some capacities may be validated through questionnaire-based tests or manually by a trainer, who may attach some file as a proof of the capacity.

The questionnaire validation of a capacity is performed through the consequences of a questionnaire (refer to the help panel of questionnaire settings). When a capacity is validated for a given user, ExperQuiz uses the validation settings and weights in order to update the parent skill and skill-block for the user. The user results can be viewed in the Users tab.

The trainer can update a capacity manually and provide a grade, a comment and an attachment.

Qualifications and jobs

ExperQuiz also provides tools for defining a repository of qualifications and jobs, linked with the skills repository.

If you wish to know more about this advanced feature, contact the ExperQuiz team.


Evaluations are questionnaires that you are submitting to employees within your enterprise.

In order to create an evaluation, you must create or choose a questionnaire in a questions base and specify :

  • the difficulty level
  • the number of questions
  • the explanation display during the test
  • the certification parameter with the success rate
  • the date and time of start, and the duration of the test
  • the employees that are invited to take part

The evaluations panel

The evaluations panel shows all passed and ongoing evaluations for your enterprise, by base.

By clicking on the Opener > button, you will get the list of all invited users, and the score of those who have completed the test.

For each evaluation, an XLSX Export button allows you to download the available results in a file format that can be read into any spreadsheet program such as Excel.