
Modules allow you to build online e-learning courses, which your users will follow autonomously.

A module is made up of a list of steps, to be followed in sequence.

A step can be either a questionnaire or a media, coming from any of your bases.

A questionnaire may be used in different ways :

  • in training mode : in this case there is no obligation to succeed in order to get to the next step
  • in evaluation or certification mode : in this case a success rate is defined, which must be achieved in order to proceed to the next step.

You may use any of the media that you have created or uploaded. You may view and manage your media using the ALL MEDIA menu. Media may be of any kind : image, audio, video, pdf, factsheet, office documents.

In order to build an e-learning module :

  • Click the NEW MODULE button and fill up the form to describe your module.
  • Go to the Elements tab, and select the elements (questionnaires and medias) that you will be using in your module, and arrange them in the appropriate order.
  • Go to the Overview tab, then click on the Steps tab.
  • Define the settings for each one of your steps: title, introduction message, questionnaire usage and success rate if needed.
  • Your module is ready to go.

You may invite users to follow the module, by clicking on the invitations tab.The users tab lists all users attending (or having attended) the module, together with their progress and results.

The Visibility tab allows you to make your module freely available to all your users or to some groups of users.

If all module elements belong to the same base, it is possible to declare the module as ‘single-base’. Once the module has been declared ‘single-base’, it will not be possible to add elements from other bases to it. By default, the modules are ‘multibase’.

A user who has special permissions specific to the management of modules can use a single-base module if the base is in his scope or if the option ‘Scope includes all enterprise topics’ has been checked.

A user who has special permissions specific to the management of modules can use a multibase module if the option ‘Scope includes all enterprise topics’ has been checked or if the module is declared ‘public’, that means accessible by all special users regardless of their scope on topics.