Uploading a user file

You may import users in bulk, using an spreadsheet file.

Users file

The users file must be as follows:

  • XLSX format* One row per user
  • One header row that indicates the content of each column

How to proceed

The import is achieved like so:

  • Select the user file from your file system.
  • The file is instantly uploaded and scanned.
  • The header row is scanned trying to match known attributes, such as ‘name’ or ’email’.
  • If some headings are not matched, the issues are reported. You may correct the mapping of columns to attributes.To do so, click on the settings button.
  • Once the mapping is correct, you may launch the actual import of users. To do this, click on the button with a small triangle icon.
  • Users are imported. Errors are reported and listed.

Creation and update

If an user exists with the same id or the same email address, the import will not create a new user but will update the existing user.

Sending invitations

Once new users have been imported, they must be informed, and invited to define a password, which will activate their account.

Click on the Send invitations button. Each new user will receive an invitation email.


Contacts are users to whom you have submitted one or more evaluations, without having created an account for them on ExperQuiz.

Having no account, they cannot sign-in to ExperQuiz. They can only pass the evaluations that your are submitting, of which they are informed by email.

In order to better manage contacts, you may fill up their first and last name, and other attributes. To edit a contact, click on the pencil button.

You may view all the evaluations that have been submitted to a contact, by clicking on the button with a graph on it.

Activating a contact

You can turn a contact into an active user, who will have an account on ExperQuiz:

  • Check the contacts that you want to promote
  • Click the ACTIVATE button

The contacts will receive an email, informing them that their account has been created, and giving them their first password.

You will then find them in the Users tab. Evaluations that they had passed will remain with them.

Inviting users

After you have started your Enterprise on ExperQuiz, the next step is to invite users.

This is very simple:

  • Type (or copy-paste) a list of email addresses in the box on this page.
  • The addresses will receive an email, with instructions on how to register on ExperQuiz. If they are already registered, they will only be asked to confirm their relationship with the enterprise.
  • After users have registered and accepted to be seen as users of the enterprise, you will be able to submit evaluations to them.

Pending invitations

If you have sent invitations that have not yet been accepted by their recipients, they will be listed here as pending invitations. You may delete them if they are obsolete, or you may resend them to their recipients.


You may define groups of users, which will facilitate some operations. For example, when you will launch an evaluation, it will be possible to select a whole group of users instead of selecting each one individually.

Note that:

  • A user may belong to more than one group
  • A user may belong to no group at all
  • Defining groups is optional, if you have few users, it might not be of much use
  • When you create a new group, it is empty; you may then check the users that belong to the group
  • When you delete an existing group, users that belonged to the group are not deleted (of course…)

Creating a group

In order to create a group, click on the Create Group button, then give the name of the new group and click on Create to confirm.

The newly created group is empty. The alphabetic list of all users is presented, with a checkbox to the left of each row.

Check the box for all users that belong to the selected group. There is no save button, as soon as you check (or uncheck) a user, his membership is updated.

The group selector

To the left of this page, you have a group selector. You may choose to either show the list of all users, or show users of a particular group only.

  • When you choose all users, the alphabetic list of users is shown, and for each user, the groups to which he/she belongs are listed.
  • When you choose a particular group, two display modes are available:
    • Either you want to list all users, and for each of them, the checkbox that indicates group membership.
    • Or you may want to list only users that belong to the group.

In order to add users to a group, you will need to view the complete list.


A user must be ‘active’ in order to receive evaluation, training or e-learning module.

Creation of users

There are three ways to create new accounts for your users:

  • Create a user : Click on the ‘NEW USER’ button. Fill the form (name, channel, email/mobile) and save.You will find him in the list of ‘created’ users.
  • Invite by email or sms: Click on Invite tab. Paste a list of emails or sms. The user will fill himself the form and specify a password. You will find him in the list of ‘invited’ users.
  • Import by file : Click on Import tab. You will find a link to upload a file example. Select your file and upload it. You will find him in the list of ‘created’ users.

Invitation of created users

  • Choose ‘created’ filter: Check users to invite. Click on ‘SEND INVITATONS’ button. The status of the user is ‘invited’. The user will receive a mail or a sms with a link. He will be ‘active’ when he will accept this invitation and specify his password.

Activation of created or invited users

  • Check users to activate : Click on ‘ACTIVATE ACCOUNTS’ button. The account is activated and the user will receive his password that must be modified at the first connection.The status of the user is ‘active’

Contacts are users to whom you have submitted one or more evaluations, without having created an account for them on ExperQuiz.

You can effect a set of users to a group, or make them inactive or delete them. You just have to select them using the checkbox on the left of each user. Remove the user from your enterprise does not close the user’s account on ExperQuiz, but severs the link with the enterprise.

You can edit a user for modifying information or defining his rights:

  • administrator rights: users with admin rights have the same rights rights as yourself relative to your enterprise, including the right to invite users and grant them rights.
  • reviewer rights: they will be allowed to review and validate contributions relative to the bases of your enterprise.
  • contributor rights: they will be allowed to create questions relative to the bases of your enterprise and propose them to reviewers.

The second button to the right of each user leads to the user’s evaluations page.

  • Finally, the last button leads to the user’s details page that displays synthetic information about the user (name, groups, last evaluations..)


question belongs to a base.

You may create a new question, by choosing a base and clicking on the NEW QUESTION button.


13 types of question are proposed.

A question is made of :

  • a title
  • the question with the answers (correct and incorrect).
  • parameters depending of the base (level, time, score …).

Uploading Question Files

ExperQuiz also allows you to create questions within an office document, and upload them.

See the Import menu associated to the base

Consequences grammar

A consequence is a message to display or an action to be performed at the end of the test, under certain conditions.

A consequence can be expressed as : if condition then action

A condition can be a single test or a logical combination of single conditions:

  • if condition1 and condition2 then action
  • if condition1 or condition2 then action
  • if (condition1 and condition2) or condition3 then action


The conditions relate to tests performed on scores in percent % (global score, score per domain or per tag).

  • Test on the global score : global_score
  • Test on a specific domain score ‘economy’ : domain_score_economy
  • Test the specific tag ‘best practices’ : tag_score_best_practices

Comparisons operators are : > , >= , <<=== (equality)

Logical operators are : andor

Messages and Actions

An action can be a specific message on the results page, an invitation to a questionnaire or a module or an assignment to a group : Actions are :

message(“…”), questionnaire(“…”), module(“…”), in_group(“…”), out_group(“…”) Here are variables that can be included with [] inside messages:

A message must be written in the Messages section and an action in the Actions section.

[first_name] [last_name] [global_score] [domain_score_economy] [tag_score_best_practices] …

Note : An action that starts a new line must be preceded by blanks. You may specify a list of actions, under the same condition, with each action on a separate line starting with 4 blanks.


if  global_score >= 60  and  domain_score_economy <= 40  then message("Congratulations [first_name] [last_name]!")

if  global_score >= 60  and  domain_score_economy <= 40  then message("Congratulations: you can obtain a [badge](https://www.xxx.com)")

if  global_score >= 60  and  domain_score_economy <= 40  then message("Congratulations: you can visit the site http://www.xxx.com ou https://www.xxx.com ")

if  (domain_score_economy == 0  and  domain_score_statistics >= 80) then out_group("Experts")

if  tag_score_best_practices == 100  then module("Expert MO")

Note : It is possible to define a message or an action without conditions.

Example of permament message:

message("Congratulations [first_name] [last_name]!")

Example of permament action:

email("administrator", "End of test", "end of test for [first_name] [last_name]")

Code verification

You can check your code by assigning some variables with =. Just click on button ‘CHECK CODE’ Each assignment must be on one line ::

global_score = 75
domain_score_economy = 30
tag_score_best_practices = 100

Click on ‘CODE VALIDATION’ button, messages are displayed as well as questionnaires or modules invitations:

Message : Advice to John! Check the economy chapter, your score is 30%.


Many actions are proposed when a questionnaire is selected.

  • See the overview page for the questionnaire
  • View the questions that make up the questionnaire
  • Compose your selection of questions from the base for static questionnaire.
  • Prepare and send invitations to pass the questionnaire
  • View all evaluations built for this questionnaire
  • Choose the options that define the test conditions (duration, explanation, certification …)

Small tutorial


questionnaire is a subset of questions issued from a base. You may create a new questionnaire, by choosing a base and clicking on the NEW QUESTIONNAIRE button.

Dynamic questionnaire

You can create a new questionnaire with questions randomly selected from the base.It is a dynamic questionnaire.

Static questionnaire

You can select the questions from the base for creating a new questionnaire.It is a static questionnaire.

Bases and domains

base is a subject, a theme, for which you will define questions.

For some bases, you may want to define domains, which are like chapters within the base. If you choose to define domains, then each question within the base will have to be assigned to one of the domains. For small bases, you may choose to not use any domains.

Creating a base

You may create a new base, by clicking on the New Base button. Employees who have contributing rights, will then be able to start contributing questions to this base, and you, or other reviewers, will review and accept these questions.

Editing a base

You may edit any of your bases, and define its domains, as well as the color of base label

Deleting a base

Careful ! When you delete one of your bases, all questions, contributions, scorecards, passed tests and evaluations will be deleted.