
A user must be ‘active’ in order to receive evaluation, training or e-learning module.

Creation of users

There are three ways to create new accounts for your users:

  • Create a user : Click on the ‘NEW USER’ button. Fill the form (name, channel, email/mobile) and save.You will find him in the list of ‘created’ users.
  • Invite by email or sms: Click on Invite tab. Paste a list of emails or sms. The user will fill himself the form and specify a password. You will find him in the list of ‘invited’ users.
  • Import by file : Click on Import tab. You will find a link to upload a file example. Select your file and upload it. You will find him in the list of ‘created’ users.

Invitation of created users

  • Choose ‘created’ filter: Check users to invite. Click on ‘SEND INVITATONS’ button. The status of the user is ‘invited’. The user will receive a mail or a sms with a link. He will be ‘active’ when he will accept this invitation and specify his password.

Activation of created or invited users

  • Check users to activate : Click on ‘ACTIVATE ACCOUNTS’ button. The account is activated and the user will receive his password that must be modified at the first connection.The status of the user is ‘active’

Contacts are users to whom you have submitted one or more evaluations, without having created an account for them on ExperQuiz.

You can effect a set of users to a group, or make them inactive or delete them. You just have to select them using the checkbox on the left of each user. Remove the user from your enterprise does not close the user’s account on ExperQuiz, but severs the link with the enterprise.

You can edit a user for modifying information or defining his rights:

  • administrator rights: users with admin rights have the same rights rights as yourself relative to your enterprise, including the right to invite users and grant them rights.
  • reviewer rights: they will be allowed to review and validate contributions relative to the bases of your enterprise.
  • contributor rights: they will be allowed to create questions relative to the bases of your enterprise and propose them to reviewers.

The second button to the right of each user leads to the user’s evaluations page.

  • Finally, the last button leads to the user’s details page that displays synthetic information about the user (name, groups, last evaluations..)